+30°C, Prague


hotline +420774412877


Travel Agency MegaTour®

+420774412877, Mykola Kravchuk - MEGATOUR

Office hours: every day from 08:30 to 19:30

Our office in Prague:
11000, Václavské náměstí 43, Prague

Office on the map, see bottom of page

Business identification number: 28881311
VAT number: CZ7905224041

The trademark MegaTour is registered in the trademark protection department. The record number (Číslo zápisu) is 328405. Information on the website of the ministry can be checked here.


License for a travel agency (provozování cestovní agentury a průvodcovská činnost v oblasti cestovního ruchu) živ 2Op036 / 1020 VYP0240 / 032 of 04/15/2009.

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Entrance to the office: Prague, Wenceslas Square 43

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