+15°C, Prague

Free Time

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Free Time

Historical Center “Botanicus”

One of the things to see in Prague, this smoke-free and pet-free center could be recognized by all the Czech Republic residents. Situated in the Ostrá municipality, the Botanicus Historical Center could be visited during your free time, alone or with the

Bohdanec Spa

Of course, there are a variety of things to see in Prague, during your free time. There are ancient historical landmarks, landmarks of history that are not so ancient, and of course, the sleek, modern aspects of Prague. There is also another part of this

Children Center “DinoPark”

Anyone who has a child could comprehend how tough it is to arrange safe and pleasing tours with children, especially ones that are enough to leave them with fond memories.


During their free time, the locals definitely wish to spend some quality time with the family at places like the amusement parks or water parks.

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